Tropical Monstera plants (Monstera deliciosa) thrive in most home interiors. The plants are thick-stemmed vines that support themselves on other vegetation in nature and produce long roots from the stem to supplement that support. Houseplant Monstera may require staking but they still produce stiff roots from the trunk. This can make repotting cheese plants something of a challenge.

When to Repot Monstera

Monstera plant care is relatively low maintenance. The plant needs warm interior temperatures of at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18 C.) or warmer. Swiss cheese plant also needs moderately moist soil and high humidity. The aerial roots need something to hang on to, so a wooden or moss-covered stake set into the middle of the pot will provide the extra support. Repotting cheese plants is done every year when the plant is young to encourage growth and freshen the soil. Go up in container size until you reach the largest pot you wish to use. Thereafter, the plant needs a fresh top-dress of rich soil annually but will be content for several years at a time even if it is root-bound. Early spring before new leaves occur is when to repot Monstera for the best results.

How to Repot a Swiss Cheese Plant

Swiss cheese plant is a tropical jungle plant and as such requires rich, nutrient-dense soil that holds moisture yet doesn’t remain soggy. A standard good quality potting soil is fine, with the addition of some peat moss. Choose a pot that has plenty of drainage holes and a depth deep enough to accommodate a thick stake. Fill the bottom third of the pot with the soil mixture and set the stake into the center lightly. Repotting cheese plants that are very mature and tall, will require a second pair of hands to help support the upper regions during the potting process. Set the base of the plant into the container so the original soil line on the plant is a touch below where the new line will be. Fill in around the base roots and any aerial roots that reach into the soil. Firm up the potting mix around the stake and use plant ties to attach the stem to the stake.

Post Potting Monstera Plant Care

Water the pot deeply right after potting. Wait a week or two and then resume a monthly feeding with liquid fertilizer during watering. Swiss cheese plant may simply get too big for its britches. The plant is known in its habitat to reach 10 feet (3 m.) tall or more. In the home environment, this is generally too tall, but the plant responds well to trimming and you can even keep any cuttings and start them for a new plant. Keep the leaves wiped clean and watch for spider mite infestations. This glossy foliage plant has a long life span and will reward you with its enchanting lacy leaves for years and years with good care.

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